Twitter and Instagram Impersonation - attempts at Identity Theft

As some of you already know, variations of my e-mail address or IG/Twitter handles have been used to impersonate me over the last few years, such as accessing information about me on a government website. The DHS here are still investigating how MW was able to access a government system to gather information about me but I have already told them what I believe happened. Time will tell. The person impersonating me is the same person that was issued a TPO last year in Nashville, the same person that has multiple arrests for drug related crimes, the same person that has a a mental disorder and the same person on the radar of the Nashville FBI field office. My brother, Michael.

This past week was my 48th birthday and the lead-up to that was pretty predictable. My brother has been scraping my blog and website for photos and content for the last year and has used those photos tied to an old Twitter ID that I used in 2017 and early 2018 (don't ever change your handle if you don't want to have that ID reused for malicious purposes); he has targeted everyone I follow or that follows me and anyone he thinks I might know. He has also gone to great lengths to tag locations that I've recently visited (like the Flinders), use my images and pretend to be me by stating personal info like me having twins and a pilots license. The tweets to galleries, friends and associates from my old account are the tweets of someone obsessed. Fortunately, people that know me know the story and for those that don't, I have put in place plenty of warnings to let people know that Michael is actually the one behind all of this - all from behind the computer in Nashville.

Below are some of the tweets and Instagram posts that are in my mind, identity theft. None of these are mine, yet they use my name/brand and photos. Every one of these has been reported and both Twitter and IG issued DMCA takedowns for his use of my images. Michael continues to tweet under my old Twitter ID, making offensive posts and engaging in arguments with people, contacting art galleries and photography prize feeds and the local schools. Not only is he impersonating me, he has another fake IG account called Jackie Garcie/Jackie Oh Nastis/Roumula Navarez (the name changes often). The Jackie/Ro username started out using a variation of my name and bio and it followed friends and associates - people were messaging me to see if this was another account I created - it was not. After building up followers that I know, it subsequently changed its name many times in the last few months. This account follows people I know as well as people in Nashville that I don't. know and it engages with PhotonBomb17. The accounts share some of the same photos as well. Michael has many userid's that he has created and the names change often. Please be aware that the only IG name I use is melissabrowninoz and the only Twitter name I use is MelBrown2018.

If you need to contact me, feel free to e-mail me. I'm happy to share more details about this situation or if you suspect you are being harassed by Michael, I can share with you the details of my situation and the contact info for the FBI agent in charge of my matter.

Michael tweeting to the Mayor re the MGA dinner.

This image is on Photonbomb17s feed and the Jackie feed.

Photonbomb17 and Jackie Garcia/OhNastis are the same person.

Photonbomb17 and Jackie Garcia/Oh Nastis are the same person.

Post made by Michael regarding the regatta in Goolwa this weekend. My son sailed in the regatta but that information was not public.

An offensive post potentially putting us at risk. Michael has engaged in arguments with people on Twitter as well as make offensive posts like the one above.

Not my tweets yet Michael is using my old Twitter ID and posting details about me that are from my website.

Lots of Twitter reports and documenting.

This is my image from Lake Menindee. It was scraped from my blog.

Five of these photos can be found on my blog or @MelBrown2018

A post to make it appear that I'm posting about my brother.

This is a photo from my blog - not a road to Mungo but from the Flinders trip a month ago.


Melissa Williams-Brown has been cyberstalked by a relative for years but now she's fighting back. Melissa is an award winning photographer, a full-time cybersecurity student, a licensed pilot and a community volunteer. Melissa Williams-Brown is 49 years old and lives in Adelaide South Australia with her husband Glenn and twin boys, Zach and Nate.
